Monday, February 8, 2010

Lesson 2: Novelty, Innovation, Creativity - now [EXPLAINED]


Such a strong word to define. I wonder at first I heard that word and wonder what does it mean when Mr. Mustafa B. Md Muzer mention about it in the lecture session last week. I thought it has something to do with nobility or noble prize(hope I can get one).


Novelty is the quality of being new.
YOU out-stand of others which exists in the subjective perception of individuals.


Tadaa! This word, everyone in the world, I mean.. Almost 75% of human population of the Earth knows the meaning of the CREATIVITY word. Realize it or not you are closely related to creativity like every single day.


It is the process of coming up with idea selection, development and commercialization.


Simply as you are the creator of the new idea which can make a different in the society they live in.


Obama? With his infamous innovation quote, "change we can believe in".


Innvation, to be exact, the process of turning ideas into practical reality.


Did Obama promise American something practical? LOL
You decide it. We creative people better being doing something good at innovation. WHICH IS USEFUL! See?


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